Agoora Logo-min.png
Agoora Outdoor Gear logo.png

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Mens Outdoor Trousers

Mens Hiking, Walking & Mountain Pants

Mens Running Shorts

Mens Travel Pants

Mens Waterproof Trousers


Sprayway Compass Versa Pant | Sprayway Mens Trousers | Mountain Walking Trousers- Black

 Sprayway's price: £80.00
Agoora Price £61.20
You Save 24%

Sprayway Compass Pants | Sprayway Compass Trousers with Stretch- Black Reg Leg

 Sprayway's price: £65.00
Agoora Price £49.99
You Save 23%

Sprayway Compass Pro Pant Mens Sprayway Walking Trousers - Black

 Sprayway's price: £75.00
Agoora Price £56.99
You Save 24%

Sprayway Hydrolite Pant Mens Waterproof Over-Trousers - Black

 Sprayway's price: £125.00
Agoora Price £89.99
You Save 28%

Sprayway All Day Rainpant, Waterproof HIking Trousers

 Sprayway's price: £85.00
Agoora Price £64.99
You Save 24%

Sprayway Compass Pants | Sprayway Compass Trousers with Stretch- Black Short Leg

 Sprayway's price: £65.00
Agoora Price £49.99
You Save 23%

Sprayway Mens Compass Pro Pants Hiking Trousers - Grey / Black

 Sprayway's price: £75.00
Agoora Price £56.99
You Save 24%

Sprayway Compass Pants | Sprayway Walking Trousers Mens - Blue

 Sprayway's price: £65.00
Agoora Price £49.99
You Save 23%

Sprayway Santiago Rainpant Mens Waterproof Overtrousers - Black

 Sprayway's price: £50.00
Agoora Price £39.99
You Save 20%

Sprayway Compass Pant | Sprayway Hiking Trousers Mens - Grey

 Sprayway's price: £65.00
Agoora Price £49.99
You Save 23%

Ronhill Men's Core Slim Lightweight Running Pants - Black

 Ronhill's price: £35.00
Agoora Price £25.99
You Save 26%

Ronhill Men's Core Lightweight Running Tight - Black

 Ronhill's price: £32.00
Agoora Price £22.99
You Save 28%

Ronhill Men's Core Training Pant Running Trousers - Black

 Ronhill's price: £40.00
Agoora Price £33.99
You Save 15%

Ronhill Mens Core Trackster Running Pants - Black

 Ronhill's price: £33.00
Agoora Price £24.99
You Save 24%

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Mens Outdoor Trousers, Pants & Tights.

A wide range of outdoor sporting activities place different demands on the clothing used, so each requires special design features. The mens outdoor trousers, which we have here includes running pants, walking trousers, travel pants and waterproof over trousers. These mens outdoor pants have to be lightweight, wind resistant, water repellent, quick drying, durable & hard wearing with a high sun protection factor. Brands include Sprayway, Montane & Ronhill.